Friday, July 29, 2016


TRIGGERED ☠ I Love Problems so Bring It On Motherf*****

I Love Problems. It's a lie. It's a Killswitch, and it's a trigger.

I don't remember where I learned this phrase, but it has greatly helped me(as a polymath I gobble down tons of info). Whenever I am under anxiety, or I am dealing with lots of stress, I simply say, 


The real problem is the phrase is a lie, and my brain knows it. However my brain also knows that I want to change my behavior, and I am actively hacking it.

Repetitious lies? Yes one of the problems with affirmations is using phrases that are beyond belief, that are too grand. Your brain knows it, and you're never going to openly trick your brain. BUT over time you can influence your subconscious to accept an affirmation as truth.

Other people obviously influence our self image. Whatever people say about you will come true unless you actively fight it. If you are repeatedly told that you are stupid, you will eventually accept it. It is the same whenever we talk to ourselves. Influence yourself by talking to yourself; on a basic level, your brain does not know the difference.

Hack your brain!

My brain operating system is 45 years old. It is unrealistic that I can write new code. However I can hack my brain system. Repeating phrases over and over helps to over-right  brain code. It's not a pretty system, but it works…

During stressful situations the phrase, "I love problems" works. The phrase works because it has become a trigger. (some call it an anchor)

Have you ever seen an old spy movie where a secret agent was activated by some kind of code word? this is the same. Whenever I say the phrase, "I love problems", my brain goes into problem-solving mode.


Cheers, Mars
Cheers, Mars
Cheers, Mars
Cheers, Mars

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